Coming to Mali

Practical Advice for your tour in Mali
A passport valid for at least 6 months after your travel date is required.

Yellow Fever Immunization: A certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory to visit Mali.

European Union citizens: A visa is required for nationals of the European Union. This visa is valid for 30 days and the consular fee is about 70 euros.
Documents required for the visa:
- Passport
- Two photos
- Visa application, individually filled out
- The Certificate of vaccination against yellow fever

United States citizens: A visa is required for nationals of the United States. US citizens are eligible for up to a five-year, multiple-entry visa. The visa application fee is $131 for all US citizens.
Documents required for the visa:
- Passport
- Two passport-size photo
- Two completed visa application forms
- Copy of the yellow fever vaccination certificate
- Payment by cashiers check or money order only

220 V - two round prongs

The official currency of Mali is the CFA franc.
There are approximately 655 CFA to 1 Euro, and approximately 590 CFA to 1 U.S. dollar.  Current exchange rates may be viewed at

Cellular communication
Your unlocked cell phone from the US or Europe can be used in Mali by purchasing a smart chip and paying as you go for local and international wireless service, including texts. Your Wi-Fi enabled phone will be useful in most of the cities we visit, providing free Wi-Fi access although the connection may not be guaranteed.

Protect from excessive US data charges by turning off your network roaming access before landing in Bamako. Keep your phone in airplane mode until you can install the local phone chip and then use Wi-Fi mode.

There are many Internet cafes in the major cities of Mali. An hour of connection time costs between 1 and 2 Euros.

Hotels and Encampments
Comfort and security are very important when traveling. Your hotels are excellent accommodations by the standards of West Africa, but willbe more rustic by European and American standards. Encampments, especially in Dogon Country, may be without hot water, flush toilets, or air conditioning.

Useful Addresses:

Mali Consulate of Paris
64, Rue Pelleport
75006 Paris, France
Tel: 01 48 07 85 85
Fax: 01 48 07 07 39
Online forms are available at the Consulate.

Mali Consulate of Belgium
487 Avenue Molière
1060 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 2 345 74 32
Fax:+32 (0) 2 344 57 00

Mali Embassy of the United States
2130 R Street N.W.
Washington DC 20008 USA
Tel: +1 (202) 332-2249
Fax: +1 (202) 332-6603
Website :

Mali Consulate of Canada
50 Avenue Goulburn
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 8C8
Tel: +1 (613) 232-1501
Fax: +1 (613) 232-7429

Getting to Mali by plane
Corsair - Daily flights from Orly and Charles de Gaulle, Paris, France to Bamako, Mali

Turkish Air - Air Maroc Regular flights to Bamako

Time Difference
Mali is an hour behind France in the winter and 2 hours behind in summer.

Mali is five hours (EST) to eight hours (PST) ahead of the United States in the winter, and four hours (EDT) to seven hours (PDT) ahead in the summer.

Calling to and from Mali
To call Mali from France, dial: 00 223 + the Malian number.
To call France from Mali, dial: 00 33 + the French number without the 0.
To call Mali from England, dial: 00 223 + the Malian number.
To call England from Mali, dial: 00 44 + the area code + the telephone number.
To call Mali from the United States/Canada, dial: 011 223 + the Malian number.
To call the United States/Canada from Mali, dial the following international code: 00 1 + the American/Canadian number.

Currency and Exchange Rates
Mali uses the West African Franc, (XOF), based on the original French Franc and permanently tied to the value of the Euro. Trip reservation/deposits are made by bank transfer in Euros. It is recommended to bring Euros to Mali, and your guide will help you convert to “CFAs” at a reasonable rate of exchange.